
Since her first book was published in 1990, Bella has written over 30 books, many of which she wrote as a ghost-writer.  Below you will find a couple of Bella’s more well-known books, and a link to the rest below that…

The world has already changed – The genie (AI) is out of the bottle, but this is a genie of our own making, and one that we designed to think, learn, grow, and develop on its own, without the need for human involvement.

Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak and over 1,000 other influential people in the field have already signed an open letter requesting a pause on the development of AI, citing security concerns and stating, “AI systems with human-competitive intelligence can pose profound risks to society and humanity”.

Italy has gone so far as to ban, at least temporarily, the AI application, ChatGPT, following a security breach where “it was possible for some users to see another active user’s first and last name, email address, payment address, the last four digits (only) of a credit card number, and credit card expiration date,” according to an OpenAI spokesman.

“More than anything, this book is an exploration of the subject to promote discussion and debate,” added author, Ms Bella St John. AI is not good, nor bad – but where we go from here is something that needs informed consideration. My hope is that this book provides food for thought – no more, no less.”

Explore topics ranging from:

  • AI outpacing Moore’s Law
  • The comparisons between child developmental psychology and ChatGPT
  • AI’s propensity to convincingly make stuff up
  • The origins of AI
  • The blurring line between human and AI, including Robot ‘Legal Personhood’, and cross-dimensional marriage
  • Should robots have ‘human rights’?
  • Is AI sentient?
  • Deep Fake
  • Implications for Education and Training
  • The Age of the Cyborg
  • Are Artists and Writers now an endangered species?
  • Why “Critical Oversight” is essential
  • Will AI-AGI Change What It Means to Be Human?

…and so much more – including my thoughts on ‘co-authoring’ a book with artificial intelligence.

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Once upon a time…

Sounds like a simple enough way to start a story – and particularly a story about time travel, but what does it mean, ‘once upon a time’?

What is time?

Clocks can tell us what time it is, but they cannot tell us what time is! 

The story of time travel you are about to read, while a work of fiction, is largely based on real science, real people and real events. 

Where fact leaves off and fiction begins is for you to decide. Do a search on just about anything in this book and make up your own mind what is ‘real’.

For instance, how’s this for ‘strange’…

  • Morgan Robertson really did publish a book on the sinking of the “unsinkable ship” that hit an iceberg fourteen years before Titanic;
  • the edition of “The Time Machine” published by Holt, really did misspell Wells’ name as H.S. Wells and his address listed on the letter sent to Bridgit, was Wells’ actual address at the time;
  • Lord Brassey really did go off to Australia to become Governor of Victoria and his first wife did die on board the ‘Sunbeam’;
  • the quotes from Tesla’s presentation are actually verbatim of the words he uttered in 1892;
  • and the quantum physics mentioned is all real scientific fact as we know it today…

In this first book of the Quantum Lace series, Lady Bridgit Darnell’s life in 1895 in England is interrupted with what she initially thought was merely a strange dream – a dream in which she meets present-day Markus in South Carolina who tells her not only that quantum physics has shown time-travel is possible, but he outlines how he himself has already been able to travel through time.

Awaking back in what she recognizes as her own time and place, Bridgit is convinced the vision must have been a fantasy of her own making until an event occurs that proves the dream was in fact real, and the ripple effect of which alters Bridgit’s life forever…

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Bella’s other books can be found here: