
Your Coach:  Ms Bella St John

As she is essentially retired, Bella now rarely personally works with any clients, but on occasion can be persuaded to work with a client or project she finds particularly inspiring.  Aside from those rare instances, Bella has a network of excellent coaches and facilitators to whom she refers clients, simply because she loves being of service, and the joy she gets from seeing people overcome obstacles, and achieve their goals.

Executive and Elite Coaching

Bella has been a consultant for many years in the area of business growth, marketing (and specifically the importance of branding), personal/professional development, and working with a variety of successful executives and entrepreneurs, high-net-worth, and high-profile individuals.  Her successes across a variety of disciplines and industries, both online and bricks-and-mortar businesses, combined with having lived in several different countries, as well as her lifelong study into ‘what makes people tick‘ ~ collectively these aspects and more give her an unparalleled insight into spotting hidden opportunities, identifying and preparing for possibly unforeseen challenges, and finding new and innovative ways to be successful.

With a personal track record of significant achievements in a diverse range of businesses and industries, igniting profound and sustainable change, and achieving results on multiple bottom-lines, Ms Bella St John’s coaching is confidential, personalized, tailored to the unique needs of both the client and their situation, and delivers profound insights and results.

  • Work with you to discover what you want to achieve,
  • help you develop strategic methods to get from where you are to where you want to be,
  • keep you accountable to what you commit to yourself,
  • help you get out of your comfort zone where necessary,
  • provide a trusted sounding board,
  • help you view things, events, and people from different perspectives,
  • and always believe in you – how can that be true?  Because we only work with people in whom we believe.

There are any number of studies, articles, and research papers available that list the benefits of having a coach.  Some of those benefits include:

  • Help You Gain Greater Clarity
  • Better Equip You To Work Through Solutions To Specific Problems
  • Prime Innovative Thinking
  • Assist With Developing and Implementing Successful Strategies
  • Help You To Create Different Systems And Structures To Increase Your Productivity
  • Provide an Accountability Partner
  • Support You To Re-Evaluate Your Thinking, Assumptions And Beliefs
  • Provide a Safe Place to Gain Perspective
  • Facilitate a Deeper Level of Learning, Personal Awareness, and Understanding

In the end, there is just one question you need to ask yourself regarding whether you do or don’t engage the services of a professional coach:

Will your future self thank you for the choices you do (or do not) make today?