Will AI and CHAT-GPT mean the end of Marketers?

Video killed the radio star… Now AI is killing the marketing star… and marketers are on the verge of extinction – and most don’t even know it.

Here is what AI can CURRENTLY do that marketers do…

  • Analyze customer data to determine the success of a campaign.
  • Analyze customer data to develop segmentation strategies
  • Analyze data to detect trends, opportunities and potential risks.
  • Analyze sentiment from customer reviews and feedback to modify campaigns accordingly.
  • Automate A/B testing of advertisements.
  • Automate customer segmentation
  • Automate customer service processes.
  • Automate email marketing campaigns.
  • Automate lead generation and scoring processes.
  • Automate outreach to prospects and customers
  • Automatically adjust pricing and budgeting strategies.
  • Automatically identify the most suitable products for customers in real-time.
  • Automatically monitor customer sentiment across channels and platforms to inform marketing strategies.
  • Automatically optimise ad campaigns to deliver the best return on investment (ROI).
  • Build customer profiles for sales teams to access for more personalised services.
  • Chatbot services for customers.
  • Create personalised journeys and individualised communications.
  • Create personalized customer experiences.
  • Create targeted advertising campaigns
  • Create targeted campaigns using natural language processing (NLP).
  • Curate content.
  • Design marketing campaigns.
  • Determine which topics are trending in a given market
  • Develop marketers’ understanding of customer behavior, preferences and purchasing habits.
  • Develop targeted ads.
  • Forecast customer trends and buying patterns.
  • Generate A/B tests for website design and messaging
  • Generate content ideas and curate content for social media, emails and websites.
  • Generate customized product recommendations
  • Generate images to go with social media posts.
  • Generate personalized product offers to customers
  • Generate predictive customer segmentation and targeting plans.
  • Generate reports on marketing performance
  • Identify and capitalise on market gaps and new trends.
  • Identify influencers and build relationships with them
  • Leverage customers’ connected devices to acquire data in real-time.
  • Leverage machine learning algorithms to generate strategies to increase customer engagement and sales conversions.
  • Make predictions about a product’s life cycle.
  • Monitor brand mentions across digital channels
  • Monitor competitive market research
  • Monitor customer behavior to better understand target audiences.
  • Monitor customer sentiment on social media
  • Monitor online conversations related to the brand
  • Optimize website design and content to increase conversions.
  • Optimize websites for SEO purposes
  • Recommend activities to improve customer loyalty and engagement.
  • Suggest products and services to customers based on past purchases or behavior.
  • Track customer metrics to optimize user experience
  • Track visitor engagement using voice, facial and behavioural recognition technologies.
  • Transform customer data into actionable insights to guide marketing decisions.
  • Use machine learning to automate creative processes such as copywriting, creative design, and video production.
  • Use natural language processing to generate content
  • Utilize natural language processing (NLP) to recognize and respond to customer queries and questions in real-time.
  • Write blog posts or other content based on customer data.

PS:  This video was also created using AI – from a prompt asking AI to provide just the top and most likely ways that AI will replace marketers, to the creation of these slides… all AI – even the speech.

The question is, what are you going to do differently NOW to ensure that marketers do not become extinct?



Ms (Leigh) Bella St John’s career to date is that of achievement strategist, executive coach, professional speaker, and a leading authority on finding innovative solutions, ‘abundance thinking’, virtual communication, and remote leadership.