Learn 26 basic Romania words and phrases in under 5 minutes
I am not a Romanian speaker, but when visiting a country, I love to learn at least a few words in their language to show respect. So, here is a quick video with some basic Romanian words and phrases I am learning – bearing in mind, I’m not a native speaker (and I do find Romanian a tad difficult), and I know my pronunciation is waaaaay off, but it will give you at least a few words if you ever visit this amazing country.
Hello: Buna ziua [boona zee-wha]
Goodbye: La revedere [la rev-e-d-air-e]
Please; Vă rog [vah rog]
Thank you: mulțumesc [moolt-zoo-mesk]
How are you? ce mai faci [che my fach]
I am well: sunt bine [soont bee-nay]
Yes: Da [da]
No: Nu [noo]
Open: deschis [des-kiss]
Closed: închis [un-kiss]
One, two, three: unu doi trei [oonoo, doy, trey]
Do you speak English? Vorbești engleză [vor-besh-tee en-glay-za]
Where is the …: unde este [oon-day es-tay]
Left: stânga [stern-gah]
Right: dreapta [drayapta]
Straight ahead: Drept inainte [drept in-eye-in-tay]
Up: sus [soos]
Down: jos [jhoss]
In: în [oon]
Out: afară [a-far-rah]
Excuse me: scuzați-mă [skoo-zatz-ee-mah]
I’m sorry: imi pare rau [ee-me pah-rey row (as in brow)]
I don’t understand: Nu înțeleg [noo in-tzel-eg]
Slowly, please: încet, vă rog [urn-chet, vah rog]
May I have the bill, please: îmi puteți aduce nota, vă rog [oo-me poo-tetzi ah-doo-chay no-ta, va rog]
I am learning Romanian: Invat romana [in-vat ro-mana ]
The Romanian language is a Romance language spoken by nearly 25 million people worldwide. It is the official language of Romania and Moldova and is also spoken in parts of Ukraine, Serbia, Hungary, and Bulgaria. Romanian is considered to be one of the most complex Romance languages and has a rich history, with some of its words being derived from Latin, Slavic, and even Greek. Romanian has a phonetic alphabet, which consists of 31 letters.
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