Zoom now owns your private conversations and is using them to train AI

Yes, you read that correctly – your private conversations are now the property of Zoom’s AI data training set. First, let’s set the scene…


On August 1, 2023, Zoom Video Communications Inc. reached an $85 million settlement over a lawsuit that alleged violations of users’ privacy rights and security breaches.


The settlement arises from allegations that Zoom shared users’ personal data with tech giants like Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn without obtaining adequate consent. Additionally, the lawsuit claimed that hackers disrupted Zoom meetings through a practice known as ‘Zoombombing’. As part of the settlement, Zoom has agreed to pay $85 million and to enhance its security practices to better protect user data.


Zoom has committed to several security measures to ensure user privacy and data protection. These measures include alerting users when third-party apps are used in meetings, providing specialized privacy and data handling training to employees, and implementing mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access to meetings.




Hot on the heels of this ‘commitment to user privacy’ – Zoom has just announced an update to its terms of service that mean that every Zoom call you have can be used by Zoom to train its own AI dataset.


“We wanted to be transparent that we consider this to be our data so that we can use service generated data to make the user experience better for everyone on our platform.”  [Ref: https://blog.zoom.us/zooms-term-service-ai/]


Consider not only the impact resulting from a commercial-in-confidence meeting you are having, but also remote doctor appointments etc.


…and users do NOT have the option to opt-out.


Personally, I have already started examining alternatives.


Sorry to be the bearer of depressing news…

Zoom just did an about-face!!!

Important PS:  I just received a message from a colleague letting me know that Zoom has changed it’s terms of reference (seemingly in relationship to the backlash!).

There is now a note at the bottom of the page that states:

Editor’s note: This blog post was edited on August 7th, 2023 at 11:30 a.m. PT to include the most up to date information on our terms of service. 

They have changed the part that says they own the data – and have stated that they will now not use data without consent.


Am still looking for another platform…………………………..

~ Bella


Ms (Leigh) Bella St John’s career to date is that of achievement strategist, executive coach, professional speaker, and a leading authority on finding innovative solutions, ‘abundance thinking’, virtual communication, and remote leadership.